Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Hitchin' a Ride

Josie wants to do whatever Jack is doing…which honestly, can be dangerous. The other day she wanted to ride "shot gun" in his truck. He obliged.

You see…it's cool - when you're three, to drive your sister around in your "monster f%*$" (as Jack calls it). However, fast forward 13 years and he'll be singing a different tune. I know from experience.

Dear Sixteen-year-old Jack,
Your sister will tell on you for speeding and being reckless. She will annoy you about driving her places so she can meet up with her friends (who you will probably think are cute, but would never admit to her). She won't help you pay for gas. She will ride "shot gun" and do her best to embarrass you in front of your friends (who she will probably think are cute, and won't be shy about sharing with you).

I know you think she is annoying, as your 14 year old little sister…but when you were 3 - you proudly drove her around the block in your PowerWheel "Monster F&%$".

Your Mom
(who is paying your sister to report back on your driving)

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


This pretty much describes our Memorial Day. Wet. Looking forward to warmer temps and some sunshine this week!

And hopefully you got to see this:
A BIG congrats to my friend, Lauren (Boh), and her hubby! A MUCH deserved victory in Indianapolis on Sunday!

Hope you had a great weekend!
6 more days...

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Meet Maverick

Remember when I told you that you should vote for my class' falcon name? Well - WE WON! We named a falcon! For serious. It was ALMOST like winning the lottery (at least to me, and my nerdy falcon-loving heart).

Back story: On Monday I found out we won. I was SO excited and my students were too. We hadn't been approved to GO to the banding, so I tried not to get their hopes up. When I talked to my principal after school I was told - "no, you can't go…one field trip a year…no, you can't find someone else to pay for it…sorry." Needless to say, I was pretty bummed. Okay, I was ticked. THIS IS EDUCATIONAL and AWESOME. I came home in a bad mood and spent most of the night preparing my argument for the next day. My principal often asks us if we are "prepared to die on 'that' hill?" (when it comes to pushing issues with parents) and I set off for school Tuesday "prepared to die on that hill." My kids HAD to go to the naming/banding ceremony. They had to (period). Luckily, Tuesday morning I was met with - "I thought about it all night…you're right…once in a lifetime…you're going."  HALLELUJAH!

Fast forward to today:
We boarded a bus with another winning Kindergarten class from our district and went downtown. We ate lunch in the Winter Garden of the Summit Building (and even saw Denny!). Then we had a presentation by Soarin' Hawk Raptor Rescue…which was AMAZING. And finally it was time to see the DNR Biologists pull the babies from their nest. They brought them right down to the room we were all in. Three females and our lone BOY, Maverick. Hands down - one of the coolest things I've been a part of! 

 This is our boy, Maverick. He has poop on his head. My kids thought that was hilarious.
 Maverick got his band and had some blood drawn (for genetic testing). He was smaller than his sisters (males are smaller than females) and he was less chatty, too. (must be a "male" thing)
Maverick (far left) with his sisters: Electra, Soara, and Skyler

Here are some things you should know about Peregrine Falcons:
1. They are the fastest flying birds. They are like the cheetahs of the sky. They fly at 60mph but can dive at speeds of 180-240mph.

2. Falcons mate for life and usually return to their nest each year. They only change partners if one of them dies or if one of them is a "poor mate." For example, a female falcon might ditch her dude if he doesn't provide her with enough food. Sounds reasonable.

3. Falcon legs are fully developed by 18 days of age - which is why the DNR does their banding between 18-25 days. Maverick is 21 days old today.

4. Falcons eat other birds. They like pigeons and water fowl. The roof of the Summit Building is littered with dead birds right now…because the Daddy (Jaime) is really working hard to keep the Mommy (Moxie) happy. Everyone is well fed.

5. Although they are endangered in the Midwest, Peregrine Falcons can be found on every continent except Antarctica.

3 Year Old Fashion - Take 2

The other night Tyson and I were trying to have a conversation in the kitchen…when we were interrupted by really loud clapping on the hardwood floors. And then we saw this:

Sorry, kid, that's not a good look. Socks and heels are NOT okay.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Devin & Kristin Visit

Uncle Devin and Aunt Kristin returned to Indiana last weekend for a quick visit. My pledge daughter (and Devin's Btown roommate), Kelly, got married in Indy. It was a beautiful wedding and we had a fun time seeing so many friends from our past.

After the wedding, we stopped by to see Aunt Kim - she's recovering from a knee replacement LIKE A CHAMP! Then we were headed to the Lake.
Jack put in some hard work - mowing the grass. Honestly. When is it acceptable for this to become a reality? I'm thinking 8 years...
He did take a break to go "fishing" with Aunt Kristin.
 Josie kept Nancy busy.
And Jack had a BLAST with Uncle Devin, splashing in the lake.

 Doesn't Uncle Devin look great with a lap full of mostly naked kids? I think so too.

It was a great weekend! We always enjoy our time on Lake George, but it always more fun when we have the family around to enjoy it with us!

Sunday, May 19, 2013


Ever since I lived in Indy (while getting my Masters) - I've been a bit obsessed with falcons. I found out in February that Fort Wayne has a falcon pair that makes their nest in the Summit Building downtown (where Denny works). They have 4 super cute babies...and AEP (who sponsors their nest) asked for local classrooms to submit a name. My kiddos voted and decided on Maverick (which is our school mascot).

You can help vote for MAVERICK by clicking HERE! No strings attached, just a simple click. My 6 year olds would appreciate it. They are pretty excited!

Oh and if you want to check in on the falcons click HERE. You won't be disappointed.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

3 Year Old Fashion

Three year olds dress funny. I told Jack to put his shorts on and this is what happened. He thought it looked good and refused to fix it. 

"Yook mom…wings (flapping his pockets)."

Fashion Police: This incident occurred after school, so there weren't any public infractions.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


We decided to celebrate Mother's Day Saturday night by eating Mexican food…and drinking Margaritas! We met up with our friends - the Nortons - at our neighborhood Bandidos. Jack ate an entire bowl of chips by himself. And Josie discovered salsa. 
Jos - you look GOOD in a sombrero!
Greta went 8 seconds on a bull WITH A fu machu. (that was a Tim McGraw reference, for the country fans out there)
And Jack made his final preparations for his upcoming race. You may have heard of it…the Indy 500. No biggie.

Happy belated Mother's Day to my mom, my Mother-in-Law, and my Grandma! You are all amazing and we love you.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Josie got a taste of heaven…aka: a fudge pop. As you can see - she thoroughly enjoyed it.
Until it was gone. Then she was mad.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Warmer Weather

The warmer weather has been awesome! There is nothing worse than spending an entire winter looking out at snow and wishing you could be outside playing. We have been using our playset as much as possible! The kids love playing - but always end up digging in the old sand box - that is now lacking the "box".

I think I only have 19 days of school left… Look out, summer!

Monday, May 6, 2013

The Queen's Throne

Sitting on a couch is below her. She sits on a throne. Queen Josephine - ruler of brother & dogs.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Silly Boy

As - I'm sure you've noticed - Jack is REALLY into making silly faces. So he LOVES the Photo Booth on my computer. Last night we sent some pictures to Tyson - while he was working late.

Jack says this one is his favorite.

Don't worry - Tucker has taken it upon himself to report that creature to the proper Gov't agencies.

Is it Friday yet?