When it comes to schooling - I'm a believer in public education - obviously, as a {former} public educator... But with so many snow days and so many endless hours entertaining toddlers...I caved and played teacher this week. Jack even called me "Teacher Mommy."
I found some free & cute resources on Teachers Pay Teachers. The kids worked on colors & shapes one day. And letter recognition another day.
We also spent some time finding the letters in their names. I was surprised how quickly Josie found all her letters.
Jack has been working on his name for a while now - and with only 4 letters, he has it pretty well mastered. I try not to put pressure on them about learning at home. I know we've chosen an awesome preschool program that will prepare them for Kindergarten...and we took time to choose a school district we believed in, as well. I plan on guiding and helping as much as I can...but I'm not meant to be their teacher. I'm meant to be their mommy. So we will play & color & do fun things together...and occasionally, when I'm missing my classroom - I'll subject them to "Teacher Mommy."
5 years ago