This Sleeping Beauty (see what I did there?) is officially FOUR today! I just can't deal. Josie is a ball of energy. Mostly happy - or fake crying. She's funny - she legitimately makes me laugh every day. She is feisty. Should have known - the baby girl who couldn't figure out how exactly to enter this crazy world - must be feisty. She's loud. She talks and screams and laughs LOUDLY. To her credit - with two brothers - she's just trying to make herself heard. She's "like a Boss Lady" every day. She directs me around the house and keeps all of us in check.
Josie has a free spirit, a love for learning, and a knack for making people smile. She's outgoing and to be around. She's the life of any party. She loves her brothers SO much...and her papas (grandpas), too. She can go from playing with her Princess barbies to throwing elbows on a soccer field (while wearing PINK, of course) - without missing a beat.
Josie - you are amazing. We love you just the way you are... Forever.
5 years ago