As you can tell by the title…Josie is on a "diet" of sorts. She weighed in at 18.2lbs!!! Which is above the 97th percentile for other babies her age. The doc was not impressed. Since she is breastfed - there is no way to measure how much she's eating and when I told him her daily eating schedule he thought it was perfect. Which can only mean one thing…I make a lot of milk. He said no more cereal/oatmeal until she's 6 months old…and if she is fussy - I can give her water. Water = a meal replacement shake. Jos thinks this plan is terrible. She had some water earlier and she looked at me like WHAT.THE.HECK?!?
In better news - she was in the 60th percentile for height! So no more "bowling ball" comments! I have a feeling she will slim down as she starts moving. Regardless, we are so happy and blessed to have our sweet, healthy girl!
Sidenote: I opted for the Treasure Hunt Snack Mix with Mr. Jack! It didn't fail me. He looked like the perfect toddler…until we left the office and he tried to run the halls of the hospital.
5 years ago
Way to go Kady!!!! Making a lot of milk!!! :) Josie is such a gorgeous baby with her sparkling blue eyes... never mind her weight!!!