Jack is showing off the Mickey Mouse we bought him (at the airport, 5 min before we boarded the plane) in Florida. FYI - You should really do your "shopping" prior to entering the airport. That bad boy cost $15. WalMart (I guarantee) sells it for $3.
Good Ol' Walt Disney…gets you at every turn… If you want to have heart palpitations - just check out the price of Disney tickets. For real. My kids need to make a decision - a semester of college (when they're 18) or a trip to Disney (when they're 5). Choose wisely, children.
PS: Don't you love Cooper pouting in the background?
Cooper (murmuring under his breath): "Why did they bring a Mickey for the kid? Where is MY Mickey? No one cares about Cooper. I hate everyone."
5 years ago
Poor Cooper! Amma Shirlee will be back in Indiana soon so she can give poor Cooper some love. I miss my grandchildren and my grand dogs so much!!!!!!!!!!! Love you guys so much!!!!!!!