Okay - I will preface this post by saying that there aren't many options in Warsaw for "play" areas. So I had the bright idea to take Jack to the McDonald's Playland. I would like to go back in time two hours and slap myself for thinking this was a good idea.
Let it be known that the McDonald's Playland is DANGEROUS. We were there for approximately two minutes when I realized that I don't have enough life insurance on my child to allow him to play there. The other kids were HUGE. So huge, in fact, I wanted to pull them aside and ask, "Why in heavens name aren't you in school, kid???" Jack's eyes were big and he was entranced. Keep in mind, he is not afraid of bigger kids darting around him. At the tender age of two, we are all well aware that he's an adrenaline junkie. (I can already hear the conversation when he's 18 - "guess what, mom? I'm going sky diving!" yay.)
My biggest issue with the Playland was that I was the only adult in the room (and there had to have been 15 other adults there) that was paying any attention to my child. The rest of the parents were too busy shoveling a BigMac into their mouths. Their kids were climbing UP the slides when other kids were trying to come down them. Fellow teachers will understand why this made my blood pressure rise. YOU DO NOT CLIMB UP THE SLIDES! (I have said this no less than 100 times in my life) They were also throwing their Happy Meal Hot Wheels toys down the slide and at their "friends'" heads. Ay, ay, ay.
The only time I saw the other parents stop eating and pay attention to what was happening was when I was wrestling a screaming Jack to the ground to get his coat on him.
Oh, my bad. SOUND THE ALARM! Bad Mom Alert! I'm taking my overly-tired child home for a nap. Carry on with your Big Mac's, people.
5 years ago
I totally hear you. I hate going to the playground and seeing all the kids climbing up the slides. I feel like the meanest mommy when I make Lia go around to the stairs and climb up. Then I get all annoyed when she actually makes it to the slide only to have the traffic jam of the kid climbing up as she's trying to go down. ARRRRG! Playground safety folks!