The nice thing about living in Warsaw (for the moment) is that I know my way around! Whenever we move to a new city - I've had to rely on my GPS or OnStar for the first few months there. I will admit, my navigational skills are questionable, to say the least.
Today, was my first day venturing out in public with both kids. Sure, Josie is almost two months old...but with Tyson home for the past month, I haven't had to take both of them at the same time. I decided last night that MILLIONS of other moms do it and the worst that could happen was:
A) a meltdown by Jack which may or may not require physical restraint...but most likely could be resolved with a pack of fruit snacks (bribing? yes!)
Fruits Snacks! Check.
B) a very serious blowout for Josie which may or may not require a full change of clothes...but most likely could be resolved with a quick diaper change
Extra Diapers! Check.
So we headed off to the Warsaw Public Library for story time. I hadn't been to that library since I was really young and it was great to see all of the changes they've made. The theme at story time was "Snowmen." Jack had a great time. He met a little girl a month older than him - and she smooched him on the lips before we left! (Molly, don't be mad)
Jack also had a chance to show off his mad pitching skills. The librarian created a game with four 2 liter bottles decorated as snowmen and a white ball that she called the "snow ball." The object was to knock the bottles over by throwing the snow ball at them. (AKA: Jack's favorite game EVER!) He stood back and watched some other kids try. They missed...a lot. When it was his turn, Jack walked up and threw a fast ball (no joke!). He knocked over three of the four bottles with one shot. Needless to say, his pitch was admired and applauded.
He may not have the patience to sit through stories or have any interest in learning his ABC's...but the kid LOVES baseball. The ABC's will come with time....right?
5 years ago
WOW that sounds more fun than the RO library... can you call and make that suggestion to Miss Melissa?