We spent our Memorial Day weekend in Lexington for Matthew and Lindsey's wedding. It was beautiful and we had a great time. We stopped in Cincinnati to see Blake and Sarah (and their new puppy, Floyd). It was great to see friends...but, again, killing me not to share the news!
I've heard of "baby brain" and I'm not sure when it officially hits. This may just be associated to the color of my hair...but last week I was driving to school and I came up to a stoplight. Apparently, despite the light being green, I stopped. I sat there and then as the light turned yellow - realized that I had just stopped at a green light for NO reason. I'm sure the people around me were VERY confused.
I have been reading my baby books! Of course, What to Expect When You're Expecting is a classic and very informative! I also read Jenny's McCarthy's book, Belly Laughs. It was SO funny, but also brutally honest (and a little scary). Tyson is even reading a book for expectant Dads! I'm proud of him.
We will see what this week brings! I have an interview tomorrow...wish me luck!