Saturday, June 20, 2015


Nolan is 10 months old. How is that possible? He had his 6mth plus 9mth checkup (combined bc I'm a slacker). He's a healthy 21.5lb and 28.5in long. His head is in the 90%...which makes him a true Becker.

He's a future Beta Social Chair! He loves a good party and he doesn't require a lot of sleep. He's vocal. He says mama, dada, and "Tucker" (I swear!). He can clap, wave, and throw his hands up to raise the roof. Just kidding. He throws his hands up for "soooo big!"

He has all four of his front teeth and loves food. All of it. 

Nolan is a versatile crawler. He can regular crawl and when he doesn't want to hurt his knees or he needs warp speed - he bear crawls. Fancy.

He's still a fan favorite among the siblings. Although he is getting into things now...but Jack has been able to problem solve for that.
Overall - he's a healthy, happy, mother-loving boy...

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