Thursday, February 11, 2010

Who you callin' CHUNKY?

Jack had his One Month Wellness check-up today. I am proud to announce that he is now tipping the scales at 9.4lbs and has grown 3 inches (21 inches). He is now in the 25% for both weight and height...and considering he was in the bottom 10% when he was born...we are VERY happy with his growth. The doctor was also happy and said he is PERFECT...(duh!)

Our old pal Virginia Slim was there today and she gave him his 2nd Hepatitis B shot. He barely whimpered - but then let me have it while I was getting him dressed. He has some serious pipes when he is mad!
Since I know he has some girlfriends who check his blog (as he checks theirs, as well) - we have censored this picture. I know he will appreciate it when he's 16.
There it is...9.4lbs of solid muscle. The funny thing is - Tyson and I made weight predictions last night. Tyson thought he would weigh 8.4lbs and I thought he'd weigh 8lbs. Oops! We were WAY off!

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