Friday, January 4, 2013


 Getting new teeth HURTS (everyone).

Poor Josie is getting some new molars and she has been in pain! I feel so badly for her. Our usually happy, easy-to-please girl had been miserable.

To top it off - she learned she inherited my "UGLY Crier" gene. I have always been an ugly crier. My face turns red and blotchy, my eyes get swollen - and it looks like I've had some sort of allergic reaction. It's U-G-L-Y! Bad news to BOTH of my kids - but especially Josie - you have inherited this from me.

With poor Josie not feeling so great - there has been a WHOLE bunch of U-G-L-Y around here lately. We will hope those teeth pop through soon…

PS: Proof Josie is an U-G-L-Y crier - I got a phone call from daycare one day and they thought she'd had an allergic reaction. Her teacher said, "Her face is really red and her eyes are swollen." Ohhhhh - no, that's just because she's been crying. Sure enough, her teacher did acknowledge she'd cried during her nap (switching from a crib to a cot isn't what Josie had in mind).

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