I have been a very good boy this year (for the most part). I rarely throw fits and I am learning to be a good sleeper. I promise to leave you lots of cookies (I hear you like Oreos) and water (?). And I will leave some pup-peroni's for Rudolph...wait, doesn't he like carrots? Whatever.
I want snow and I want to be with my whole family - even my Uncle Devin who lives in Timbuktu (I mean, Idaho). I also want a banana tree for my backyard. Do you think it will survive in Michigan? Do you think my parents will kill it? They are TERRIBLE with plants. My mom says I don't need you to bring me anything, because I have two grandmas who LOVE to shop for me. But I don't think they know where to buy a banana tree.
I hope you will be able to find me. I will be in Indiana. It is 3.5 hours from my house in Royal Oak. I love you, Santa.
Your little buddy,
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