Tyson and I were able to sneak away on Saturday for an Anniversary DATE! We headed to Fort Wayne for a late lunch at Biaggi's and a movie (Morning Glory, decent, not great). Over lunch we talked about how many times we have been away from Jack. I think we can count on one hand....maybe two...how many "dates" (ie: alone without Jack) we have been on since Jack was born 11 months ago. Being SO far away from our family makes it hard to get out.
But on Saturday - Aunt Gina and Uncle Joe babysat Mr. Jack for us and it was GREAT! THANK YOU, Gina & Joe!!
Fun times, playing with Aunt Gina!

Oh yeah, and Hank helped out too...Thank you, Hank!
We loved watching Jack - he was an angel! Over Christmas I am already volunteering Joe and myself so you and Ty can go on a date! Hugs to all!