the mice will play? Apparently while we were gone, we had a visitor. I'm hoping it was just ONE visitor. We have never had mice in this house, but apparently a rodent thinks 416 N West Street would be a great place to call home. I was not happy about this discovery. The bread looked a little "different" and I started a mouse-hunt.
Of course, since we have never had mice - I needed to make a trip to Target. Anyone who knows me well, knows that I do not kill things. (yes, I eat meat...I'm not THAT sensitive) But - it IS true that I once made Devin help me trap a mama mouse and then release her in a field with her babies. Devin's push for drowning them fell on deaf ears. No chance. They were too cute.
So - as Jack and I made our way to Target - I prepared myself for the difficult task of purchasing mouse traps. The kind that kill. I don't believe in sticky-traps (they are inhumane), so I was hoping to find the kind that snap (quick death) and then cover the entire mouse so I won't have to see it (because Lord know, I would cry).
I told myself - "Kady, you don't have a choice. You can't allow a mouse to snack on your child's puffs. Jack likes puff too much. Suck it up and buy a trap." (See - I was really "pep talking." I may have a future as a coach.) Anyway - long story, WAY TOO long...
I was SO excited to find the traps below. NO KILL traps that will allow me to catch my furry friend and then relocate him/her to a more mouse friendly location. I'll keep you posted.

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