Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Update on the Mama

Last week I was home with Mom. On Tuesday she went down to Indy for a LONG day, but came home with the port for her Chemo treatments. The port is implanted near the clavicle bone (thank you, Anatomy & Physiology) and is where they put her IV each time she receives a treatment.

On Wednesday, she had her first round of Chemo and felt pretty good all day Thursday. However, Thursday night we were up late together and she got sick. I saw a moment of panic, maybe just realization that this was really happening. But she slept a lot Friday and most of the weekend.

And she is feeling better this week - which is great!

Her next treatment is July 22nd. She has one every other week until October 7th...which is her LAST treatment.

As always, thank you for your continued support and encouragement. It means a lot to me, my mom, and our family!

1 comment:

  1. Shirlee we are praying for you! I hope your chemo goes as smoothly as possible. I am sure that little Jack will soon come to visit and cheer you up! love you...Nancy and Denny


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