Thursday, October 14, 2010

9 month Wellness Visit

Jack had his 9mth Wellness Visit today! He is 18lb 15oz (25%) and 27 3/4 inches long (50%). Tyson is pumped because Jack is still in the 50% for height and he thinks there could be hope for a moderately tall son.

The doctor and I discussed Jack's new (poor) sleeping habits. She offered some suggestions and pieces of advice. She told me not to get frustrated, that this is a "normal stage". She said that a lot of parents struggle with getting their children to sleep all night at 9mths because they have discovered crawling/standing and that's what they want to do. She also mentioned separation anxiety (which Jack has at night) and how that plays into poor sleeping habits.

Then she told me her son has been sleeping through the night since he was a month old. Thanks for that, lady. That makes me feel great. I wanted to say, "Well since this is your FOURTH child and you are a PEDIATRICIAN - I'm not that impressed. It's your job." I didn't say that.

Anyway, I wish I had a great "Shot of Jack," but I don't. Sadly, Virginia wouldn't move away from Jack when he was sitting on the scale and I was trying to snap a picture. She would step away and then dart back at him like he was about to hurtle himself off of the thing. All the while, yelling at me "DID YOU TAKE IT?" "DID YOU TAKE IT?" No, Virginia, every time I try to take it - I get the back of your head.

Oh well.

Better luck at his 12 month appointment - when he really will try to hurtle off the scale.

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