I feel like I have really neglected my pregnancy on the blog. Of course, I know Baby #2 is on the way. She has been overly active - so much so, that Tyson has been able to feel her kicking around in there. (MUCH earlier than he felt Jack kicking) Note to Jack: Sister knows she has to be STRONG to survive living with YOU! Watch out, son!
Just to prove that she is always on my mind - I did a little preemptive shopping last weekend with one of my best friends, Kelly, while she was visiting us at the lake. I found myself attracted to clothes that were "less pink" - which is really no surprise. I was kind of a tom-boy growing up. My mother and grandmothers tried to dress me in frilly dresses and perm my hair! In 3rd grade, my friend Abbie and I signed two contracts. Abbie's: "I will not kiss a boy, not even on my wedding day." Mine: "I will not wear a dress on my wedding day, I'll wear pants." We both broke those contracts.
Shopping for the baby has been put on hold. Who needs to shop when you have Nancy & Shirlee for grandmas?
5 years ago
And Greta as a surrogate sister-friend with TONS of clothes. I promise, I will not buy Baby Girl Becker any leopard print or tulle skirts, unless they are used to dress up as one of the Real Housewives of New Jersey/Orange County.