Here are a few random things I thought I'd share...
1. On Monday I was in Fort Wayne with Josie doing "house stuff." I was feeding her in a parking lot (a totally different story) and she needed her diaper changed. I soon realized I didn't have ANY wipes. None. Zero. For-the-love... What mother of a 3 month old AND a (non-potty-trained) two year old, leaves the house without wipes?
2. Earlier this week I caught myself lifting up the lid of the washing machine to throw away a dirty diaper. I've lost it.
3. Every year, during this time...I find myself being drawn to the Easter candy aisle to buy Jolly Rancher Jelly Beans. SOOOO GOOD! And SOOOO addicting. My brother, Jon, and I ate an entire bag in two days. Pathetic.
4. I bet I say "YOU'RE GOING TO FALL!" thirty-six times a day. I'm wrong 99% of the time. So either Jack's extremely coordinated or extremely lucky...
5. Have you ever been checking out at the grocery store and hear the sound of a revving (toy) car - coming out of your purse? No? Me neither.
6. Finally, Tron Legacy (a really weird, PG rated movie) was playing on the TV the other day. Jack looked up, pointed at the female character and said "Mommy!" I'll let you be the judge...
5 years ago
Love it! New year, new time period but a lot of these sound quite familiar. Love grandma Shirlee