Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Life with Kids: Late

I am always late. It's horrible to admit, but I have never been one to be on time. Terrible flaw, I know. Tyson hates it. My dad hated it when I was in high school and had an eleven o'clock curfew. My internal clock is broken.

It has gotten worse with kids. I try to be on time (I really do) but for some reason it never rarely happens.  Today I assessed what it takes to get out of the house and I think I found the culprit for my tardiness (80% of the time).  One or both of my children poop JUST before I walk out the door. I swear. Today I put Jack in his carseat only to discover he had "poot-ed" (as he says). It was too late. I was already running behind getting him to "school" - Josie was in her carseat and in the car...the "poot" would have to wait the 10 minute drive to school.

So next time I am meeting you somewhere and I'm running behind - don't think "Damn Kady and her inability to be on time..." Instead think, "Damn, Kady's probably changing a poot-y diaper right now..."

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