Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Ready of Not...

here he comes?!?!?! Well, it seems little Baby Becker is not interested in waiting until late January to meet everyone. He is most likely going to arrive a couple weeks early. Here is the deal:

Today we had an ultrasound at 9:30am. The tech was so nice - verified that indeed we are okay with BLUE (phew!) and did lots of measuring. She told us a few things. 1) He is small. They believe he is around 5lb 2oz right now and he should be over 6lb. 2) Everything is in working order. Heart, lungs, digestion, etc. look/sound great. We were supposed to meet with the Physician's Assistant - but due to his size, the tech recommended we wait and meet with my doctor instead. It was a long wait.

Finally, around 11:15am we met with Dr. Moore. She explained that she was concerned about his size and that perhaps he wasn't getting what he needed in the womb. She recommended 1) that we schedule an induction by Week 39 (their 39, my 38) 2) start NST (non-stress tests) twice a week for the remainder of the pregnancy 3) have an ultrasound each week for the remainder of the pregnancy 4) that I NOT go back to work (cue tears and onset of ulcer)

She explained that there is a chance that our little guy is just fine, but they want to make sure he is thriving and if he is not - they want him out, so that he can begin thriving better. Again, I should note (especially for Grandmas-to-be) that aside from low weight - everything is healthy!

After my Strep B test (unpleasant), she did an internal check (VERY unpleasant) and told me that I'm 2cm dialated and 70% effaced. Holy S*&T! Again - panic was written all over my face. She was VERY happy with this because if they do have to induce - it seems my cervix will be "ready to go" (thus reducing the chances of a c-section). She told us to grab lunch and then head to Labor & Delivery for the NST.

The NST was great! They hooked me up to fetal heart monitors and they checked to make sure his heart rate was accelerating and decelerating - as it should. He earned an A+ and even threw in some nice strong kicks - for good measure. We were discharged and home by 2:30pm.

Of course, Tyson was supportive and wonderful throughout everything. He hears all of the positives, while I tend to only hear the negatives and focus on the "what ifs." (I get my worrying from my mother)

Positive thoughts and prayers are appreciated, as we head for the home stretch!

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