Thursday, March 4, 2010

Shots of Jack

I think we've created a monster.
Here is a rare shot of Jack - chillin on his new doggie mat (Thanks, Sasso's!). It's rare because...
Jack has spent the majority of his day in my arms. It seems he prefers being held these days. I guess that is what happens when you spend a weekend with the grandparents, aunts, uncles, and friends - you get a child who thinks he should be held...ALL DAY LONG. I must admit - I do enjoy cuddling with my little man.
Oh...and here are the four NEWEST pairs of shoes added to Jack's wardrobe over the weekend. Thank you Grandma Nancy and Great Aunt Becky for keeping Jack stylish.


  1. He is going to be like his mother with more than one hundred pairs of shoes if this is any example .... cute shoes but is he going to be the "shoe king" like his mother was the "shoe queen". Grandma Shirlee.... (PS I had to pay for all those shoes!!!!)

  2. Yes, it is true that I once owned more shoes than I knew what to do with. As a matter of fact, when moving into my dorm freshman year - my mom noticed a UHaul and said, "Look Kady - that girl probably has more shoes than YOU!"

    Turns out - it was my future husband...and the UHaul was mostly filled with stereo equipment.


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