Friday, March 18, 2011

On the Streets of Royal Oak

...two tot neighbors stop for a chat.

Apparently Jack was tapping into his inner-guido (definition? click here). The track suit really brings that out in him. I apologize to Syd for his rough/brash attitude. That's IT! No more Jersey Shore for him!**

FINE PRINT: **That is a joke. Jack does not watch (much) TV - if any, at all. And we definitely do not allow him to watch Jersey Shore. Sorry, Snookie fans.


  1. Dear Jack,

    Your Aunt Gina was born and raised by "guidos"... in fact, your Aunt Gina's mother is still a "guidette" so just remember if your mama doesn't let you watch Jersey Shore - you can always come to a Cesaretti family reunion for a live experience in the "guido" culture.

    I love you,

    Aunt GinaLee Loadabridga Isabella Cesaretti Clevenger

  2. Dear Jack,

    My dad is teaching me how to head butt. Watch out.



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