Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Breakfast of Champions

We had my family over on Sunday for an amazing breakfast! I can say that…because I didn't make it. Shirlee did. And even a few hours after everyone had left, Tyson was still talking about the biscuits & gravy. So was Josie (we just couldn't understand her).

After a very filling breakfast - it is best to wrestle your uncles. Both Uncle Jon & Uncle Joe got "the smack down" from Jack & Josie. Uncle Jon escaped before the camera came out.
 Josie has learned a thing or two about holding her own in this family...
Of course, the canine children were SO happy to have their Grandma here.
 Before they left - Uncle Jon had to show Jack how to use a toy he bought for him in Thailand. It shoots really high in the air…and Jack was impressed.
Uh OH! Look what Josie was wearing… The ever famous FROG boots! No word on Jack's reaction to his kid sister stealing his most prized possession.
Maybe I'm partial - but I think she wears them well. BONUS: They are WAY too big on her, so she doesn't really move when she wears them. Which means she doesn't run away from me...

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