Friday, September 13, 2013

Preschool Day 2

Yesterday was Jack's 2nd day of Preschool and the first time he went by himself. I wasn't worried. He's been in & out of daycares since he was one. And he LOVES being around other kids. I knew he'd be excited and have a fun time.

He was SO excited - he woke up at 6:30am. Whoa, dude - do not let your excitement for school interrupt this amazing sleep thing we have going on. 

We got ourselves ready and made it to school ON TIME. (over/under on how many times this will happen in the future?!?)

We did the drop off line and Jack was all - "bye, mom...bye, Jos...I'm going to school" He jumped out of the car and didn't look back. 

And Josie was all:
Can you feel her devastation?
Since it was a shortened class, we hung around downtown. We read some books, grabbed a latte, and took a stroll. We bought Jack a muffin and Josie was in better spirits.
 By 10:15 she was excited to pick him up.
And Jack had a great time! His report: "Mommy, I had fun. I like my school and my friends." Yay!

Happy Weekend, everyone!

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