Saturday, December 31, 2011

Dirt Devil

Dear Future Mrs. Jack Dyer Becker -
I'm training him well. You're welcome.
-Your Future Mother-in-Law

Nancy got him this Dirt Devil for Christmas. He LOVES it. For a half second, when he opened it, I really thought it vacuumed. My heart jumped with excitement. But then, the truth was really was "just a toy." 

Never fear - My dream isn't dead...perhaps I will invent a little "Dirt Devil" of my own...that actually WORKS.  And that's how I'll make my millions.  (I wrote it down, does that count as a patent? Lawyer friends, draw something up.)


  1. Hate to break your heart, but they already make those for real...Jeff and I got one from Christmas, Jack can come over and vacuum whenever he wants :-)

  2. What kind is it Kris? If I give him one that actually works- my life would be easier! :) and my house would be cleaner!

  3. It actually a Dirt Devil! Its called "VersaClean" 3 in 1 stick vac. Super light weight so I am sure Jack could zoom around the room with it a couple times.


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