January 17, 1982 |
Many of you may not know this about my Dad - but since my first day at DePauw (in 2000), I have received a daily email from him. When I was a freshman in college, his emails were my connection to home, my reminder that my family missed me, and my update on Freckles' pooping habits (dog "regularity" has always been a point of conversation in my family). When I was living in London, I wasn't able to call home as often as I would have liked, but my Dad's emails were always waiting for me in my inbox. Today, I'm almost thirty, and I still look forward to Dad's emails. He usually has some great one-liners or words of encouragement/advice.
My mom is, and always will be, my very best friend, but I'm a "Daddy's Girl" through and through.
I came across a blog post called
50 Rules for Dads with Daughters and I have passed it along to some friends who are also having baby girls.
I know I don't have to teach Tyson to be a good dad, he is an amazing dad. And, just as I feel about my own Dad, I know our daughter will be lucky to have Tyson as her Daddy!
Love you, Dad! |
Your dad has always had some great words of encouragement or advice at the most perfect time. I have been the receiver of several of those great words.