Thursday, February 9, 2012

Articles Worth Reading

As promised...more reading material from my early morning feedings.

Article found on Pinterest via Lindsay

The first is for all of us iPhone users. I'm pretty much in love with my phone, so this article was a great read for me. I knew a lot of the helpful info...but there were some things I didn't know and was happy to find out. You can read that article HERE. I don't want to call anyone out...but Jack's grandparents could benefit from reading this. Hint, hint.
Article found on Facebook via Caitlin

How great was the Superbowl on Sunday?!? I didn't get a chance to really sit and watch it...but the snip-its of the game that I did see, seemed great. And I caught some of the half-time show while Jack played in the bathtub (I was standing in the doorway, don't worry).  Anyway, it seems Indy did an amazing job hosting it. I was SUPER jealous of our friends and family who got to experience downtown and Super Bowl Village. There was a great article published by Forbes about Indianapolis as a host city! Check it out HERE.
Article found on Pinterest

And finally...this last article is for my pregnant/soon-to-be pregnant or someday-pregnant friends.  As many of you know, I have had two very different deliveries. Jack was an induction with pitocin and an epidural. Josie came on her own with no drugs.  I have come to realize that pitocin is the devil. It's nasty stuff.  Granted, I was induced for medical reasons...which is acceptable...but plenty of women (friends of mine, even) are induced for convenience purposes (for the doctors). Unacceptable.  This article talks about the difference between Pitocin (a synthetic chemical) and Oxytocin (a natural chemical produced by our bodies). Read it HERE and then pass the info on to your friends. My biggest, most useful piece of advice to an expecting mom is to be educated about your options!!


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