Monday, April 16, 2012

One of the Big Boys & Girls

Last night I made a rookie mistake. Jack tugged at my heart strings by standing in the dining room and watching our neighbor kids play basketball in their driveway. I could see how much he wanted to be part of the action. It was already past his bedtime, but I agreed to let him go out and watch them for a few minutes. He grinned from ear to ear as he ran off to get his boots (of course).

The kids on our street range in age from 6-10 (at least the ones we've met so far). That's a little old for Jack...but they have been good sports about letting him participate here & there. Before I dragged him back inside for bed, one of them let him shoot a basket. He left kicking & screaming...and I realized my heart hurt worse for him at that moment than it had when he was just watching them from the house.
 He's obsessed with these boots. And he doesn't even care if they're on the wrong feet.
Wait a second....   JOSIE! I guess she has a boot fetish, too.

1 comment:

  1. So so cute! But such a sad story for a grandma to hear. Love all of you guys. " amma Shirlee"


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