Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Follow-Up Appt

We had a follow-up doctor's appointment this morning with a new pediatrician - and luckily, Virginia was not there today. The doctor we saw was great! She is an older lady from Baghdad and Tyson loved her no-non-sense way of handling things. She asked about my milk production and then grabbed both of my boobs - just to see for herself. She seemed pleased. I, surprisingly, didn't mind at all. It's amazing how much of your modesty goes out the window after giving birth.

Jack started crying while she was talking to us about jaundice. She asked if he might be hungry and Ty & I thought he probably was. That was it. I was instructed to sit and nurse. Done.

Jack is eating like a champ and I feel a real sense of pride. He gained two ounces since yesterday and is back up to 5lb 13oz. They did another blood draw (and this time I liked the nurse). His jaundice level yesterday was 14 and it was 14.6 today - which means it isn't increasing rapidly enough for them to be concerned. We will continue to feed him A LOT and let him catch some rays (when they are available). We go back on Monday for another follow-up.

1 comment:

  1. Keep feeding my grandson so he can get rid of the yellow color ... eventhough he is cute no matter what color he is... hugs baby jack and for my grandogs also... I love you three bunches.


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